About the project The National Administration of Penitentiaries, as a Project Promoter, is implementing, in partnership with six Romanian institutions and five Norwegian entities, the pre-defined Correctional Project, financed by Justice Programme within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NFM) 2014 – 2021.

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The project aims to improve the correctional systems (prison and probation) capacity and to provide reintegration services to convicted persons (detainees, former detainees and persons under the supervision of probation services), by implementing the Norwegian ”seamless” principle and by investing in human capital development. Successfully implemented by the Norwegian correctional system, the ”seamless” principle is a new concept that will be applied for the first time in Romania through the Correctional project. The implementation of the ”seamless” principle will lead to a structured and appropriate cooperation between prison and probation systems. It will enhance collaboration with local authorities, to ensure an integrated approach of specific interventions and a smooth transition of convicted persons in community, with the support of the probation service. Throughout the five-year project implementation, we aim:
  • to set up four correctional pilot centres (consisting of a pilot detention centre and a pilot multifunctional centre for activities carried out in prison - probation - community partnership);
  • to develop the capacity of correctional human resources (prison and probation) and to modernise the infrastructure at Târgu Ocna National School for Training Prison Agents;
  • to strengthen communication between the correctional services (prison and probation);
  • to create specific intervention tools and improve the working conditions of the probation system.
Project details Budget 24.750.000 euro Date of signing the Financing Contract 30.08.2019 Implementation period 30.08.2019 – 30.04.2024 (56 months) Project Promotor National Administration of Penitentiaries Norwegian Partners
  • Norwegian Correctional Academy (KRUS)
  • Halden Prison
  • Stavanger Prison
  • Rogaland Probation Office
  • Østfold Probation Office and Ravneberget Prison
Romanian Partners
  • National Probation Directorate
  • Baia Mare Prison
  • Botoșani Prison
  • Vaslui Prison
  • Tg Mureș Prison
  • Târgu Ocna National School for Training Prison Agents
The project overall objective is to improve the capacity of the correctional services to provide convicted persons and offenders (i.e. inmates, persons under probation supervision, former inmates) with reintegration services, by implementing the Norwegian seamless principle and by investing in human capital development and interventions. Expected results – 4 main output areas 1. Pilot correctional centres and new detention places compliant to European standards set up for applying the seamless principle
  • 1.160 new detention places will be created by setting up 4 pilot correctional centres at Baia Mare (420), Botoșani (320), Vaslui (210) and Târgu Mureș (210);
  • 6 new/adjusted social reintegration tools (programmes and methodologies) will be developed for applying the seamless principle. A number of 1.100 inmates (target group) will be involved into piloting the new tools in the pilot correctional centres;
  • Prison and probation population trends will be assessed, a method for calculating/ determining the recidivism rate will be developed and a comparative analysis of the methods used by other correctional systems for calculating/ determining the recidivism rate will be performed;
  • 5 prison security and regime processes will be analysed and recommendations for improving them will also be drawn up;
  • 252 inmates of the pilot correctional centres will benefit from qualification courses with a view to increasing their employability;
  • 700 inmates, including Roma ethnics and other categories of offenders at risk of social exclusion, will participate in awareness events on cultural diversity;
  • 160 inmates and former inmates will benefit from services in the multi-functional centres.
2. Correctional services staff trained and educational processes and infrastructure upgraded
  • The infrastructure at Târgu Ocna National School for Training Prison Agents will be developed with a view to improving the educational processes;
  • An organizational diagnosis and an assessment of the professional risks in prison and probation will be performed, each consisting of a report with findings and recommendations;
  • Prison and probation staff recruitment and selection processes will be redesigned;
  • Annual assessment tools, methods for developing competences (coaching, mentoring, tutoring etc.) and HR staffing policies will be created;
  • 2872 prison and probation staff and other practitioners/specialists will be trained in various relevant topics (e.g. motivational programme, preventing/diminishing the occupational stress, coaching, mentoring, developing the abilities to manage mentally ill persons, managing emotions, enforcing community measures and sanctions etc);
  • 306 prison and probation staff will be trained in management/ leadership;
  • 680 prison and probation staff will be trained in social care and social work counselling of convicted persons and in cultural diversity regarding vulnerable groups, including Roma ethnics and other categories of offenders at risk of social exclusion.
3. Correctional services communication improved
  • The internal and external communication tools used by the prison and probation systems will be assessed;
  • A study on the public perceptions of the communication processes used by the prison system will be conducted;
  • Two research studies on prison and probation coverage in the online media will be performed;
  • A communication strategy and an action plan for implementing it in the probations system will be drafted;
  • 146 prison and probation staff will be trained in public communication;
  • 43 one-day open door events for promoting the role of probation in enforcing community sanctions and measures will be organised.
4. Probation interventions and working conditions improved
  • 4 county steering committees will be set up for facilitating better unpaid community work;
  • 10 round tables will be organized in order to promote the cooperation mechanisms between the probation services, central and local authorities and the civil society, with a view to supporting the social reintegration of the convicted persons, focused on Roma and other categories at risk of social exclusion;
  • Probation inspection processes and the corresponding methodology will be improved;
  • SERN reoffending risk assessment electronic tool will be upgraded;
  • 8 intervention programmes will be designed for the special categories of convicted persons under the probation service surveillance, out of which 4 programmes will be focused on Roma ethnics or other categories at risk of social exclusion;
  • The working conditions and spaces of 28 locations of the probation services will be improved while equipment and endowment will be provided to all the 42 probation services and NPD headquarters.
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